The KENWOOD TS-990S Dual TFT Display & Dual Receiver HF/50 at HAM FAIR Tokyo 2012, it is scheduled for worldwide launch under the KENWOOD brand in November 2012 - Some features overview in Kenwood booth! See the latest news, DSP Unit, PA Unit, ATU Unit, Multi tunig-bar and pictures belov!
TS-990S: 1st IF: 8.248 MHz – IP3: +40 dBm – Roofing Filters (Main) 270 Hz / 500 Hz /2.7 kHz / 6 kHz / 15 kHz - Dual TFT High resolution color display and real-time Spectrum Scope – Main Display: 800×480 – Sub Dispaly 3.5″ 320×240 allow you to observe the Adjustable DSP IF Filter Passband – (you can quickly choose bandwidth and see the side to side signal-spectrum centered on the receiving frequency!) -
Slope Tune by adjusting LOW/HI Cut or SHIFT/WIDTH control….. on the Sub Display graphically displayed! - including an excellent analog-style “dial shirt” above the tuning knob ! (… this is all very verty fine!)
The front panel has so many controls, and lots of knobs! … await until you try everything under the conditions of a grueling contest! -
TS-990S DSP technology has been enhanced thanks to three separate 32-bit Floating-point DSP Units. – One ADSP-21369 SHARCH Processor 400MHz SIMD SHARC Core, capable of 2.4 GFLOPS peak; 2xADSP-21363 333 MHz SIMD SHARC Core, capable of 2 GFLOPS peak.
Here are other pictures from the Flagship taken from the Kenwood promo and others video: The PA Unit with 2xVRF150, the ATU built like TS-590, the setting of multi bars for tuning the Main VFO into five slices of frequency, the menu screen and FSK/RTTY Encode/Decode on Display. (.. buona visione a tutti da RadioCronache!!)